Tuesday Milonga

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2016-12-06 20:00 - 22:30
Scarboro Community Association
Address: 1727 14 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3C 0W7, Canada

This event occurs 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Tangueras y Tangueros of Calgary,

Preparations are ongoing for a Special Christmas Milonga planned for Tuesday December 6th, from 7:30 to 10:30 PM at Scarboro Hall.

There will be a great selection of foods, drinks, photo shots and special tunes by Calgary’s best DJ, Nick Livaditis as well as a donations bin for the Calgary food bank (cash and food accepted).

There is no dress code per se, but you are encouraged to dress to impress, dress to kill, dress for Christmas, dress to Tango!

Bring your non-Tango friends and share the experience with them.

Admission is $20.

The address is 1727 14 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3C 0W7 and parking is at the South side of the hall.

Please RSVP via e-mail or on the Facebook event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/591836027688406/). We would appreciate this so we can get an accurate number of attendees for our preparations. Please pass the message along and we are looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor.